4 Activities to Fall in Love with STEM
There's no time like the present! This Valentine's Day, take a chance on STEM and fall in love with CrunchLabs! If you want to have a fun and educational Valentine's Day with your family, here are four activities that will help everyone in your family fall in love with STEM:
1. Level Up Your Candy Hearts
Candy hearts are a Valentine's classic that let you send messages to your loved ones with ease, but the box they come in is a bit boring, don't you think? If you want to send your messages with a bit more pizazz, try using your Boomerang Car as your personal delivery device!
You can fill up the metal cup with the message of your choice (or any other candy if candy hearts aren't your jam!), and attach it to the magnet on the front of the car. The best part? With the built-in worm gear, the car will come back to you automatically. Get ready to send your next message!

2. Animate Your Favorite Drawing
The Strobe Light Animator is the perfect blank canvas for any of your animation ideas. What kind of animation would you make for Valentine's Day?
Maybe you can use the pieces that came with your kit to animate someone jumping for joy for the day, or find some household items and make your own heart animation! As a bonus, you can use the color wheel that comes with the kit to light up the animator in a color you love!
3. Make A Valentine's Contraption
We'll admit--just putting candy in a candy bowl can still be a lot of fun. It's candy after all! But why settle for regular when you can use your STEM skills to make a super awesome Valentine's contraption?? If you've built the Domino Catapult box, you know all about chain reactions. What if you created a chain reaction that ends in candy falling into your (or Phat Gus's!) candy bowl?
Long chain reactions that are made to look awesome are called Rube Goldberg Machines, and we love them at CrunchLabs! This one uses the Disc Launcher: The discs hit the dominos, which fall down and hit a ball. The ball rolls onto a see-saw that launches the candy into the bowl! That's just our idea--what would you come up with?

4. Transform Your Build Box
Getting a Build Box feels like getting a gift every month, so why not lean into it? If you have a delivery coming up, you can turn the box into the coolest paper valentine ever! (Our boxes are made of cardboard, so they totally count.) You can tie a ribbon around it, decorate it with glitter glue or paint, or whatever your heart desires!
If you just got your latest box and you don't have a delivery on the horizon, you can fill an older box with candy and treats to create your own Valentine's box! Maybe you could even engineer a toy out of the candy you put in it afterwards. The possibilities are endless!
Happy Valentine's Day from all of us at CrunchLabs! We hope these activities can inspire you to include some STEM fun in your celebrations this year!
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Whether your kids are new to STEM or practically professionals, the Build Box is the perfect way to foster their love for science and engineering! Each Box comes with an awesome build-it-yourself toy, and we'll teach them how to build it AND the STEM principles at work!
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